bad boy! Your not allowed to curse in here! SOMEONE obviously didn't read safety mario's rules for this forum.......I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particualer.....(while coughing) AnnoyingPenguin5........ah hem...... i didn't say anything.....
woh are you ok its seems like you have annoyedpenguin5-itis it's a desease that makes you cough and blame anooyed peguin for everything. Its deadly...but not really
to show how much halo smells i drew i very detailed and artistic picture of how the master chief confronted the elites when he had to tell them that they smelled bed. oh never mind the thing wont let me copy my picture
yeah, it's a really bad disease. The only way to get rid of it is to watch crazed fans 2&3. But since they are not on It will never go away. And for lack of something better to say, me and Vader are listening to the Imperial March right now.