Because forum's use bbcode (using the [ ) and not HMTL code (using < ). You can't put videos on the forum. My avatar is not a video, its a .gif picture. I have a program that makes .gif pictures. If you want me to make you one. Send me the video you want as a .gif, what part you want to see (it can't be long), and I will send you the address to put in your avatar/ signature. If you don't know how to put a picture in your signature, go to the HTML for dummies thread.
2. hermies code can only be broken by rapid shotgun shots to the head this will only work if u hasve eaten 500 lbs of uh-oh spaghettios(i think i almost spelt that right) or uh-oh oreos or anything with an uh-oh next to it.....and respect the batman