And I don't want llama boy to say, none, the best game is llama something with the super hero llama named douglas. Just pick a game, and no comments about the games not being good because those are the best games for each system. (game cube [resident evil 4], xbox [halo], ps2 [gta: vice city])
$50 says everyone is gonna pick the I can't play M rated games because i'm a loser choice.
Oh yea. Well the best game just so happens to be Grandresident Halo, With llamas, and it has a flying cool superhero Douglas the llama who poops on the bad people.
Matt you were right. LLama boy did respond in that way.
And perhaps in that game, Douglas the llama meets with an unfortunate accident involving a machine gun, a bus, The Thing, a bazooka, several disgruntled Jedi, and a disgruntled youngling........
Mike should be givin $100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 for saying what should happen to douglas. ARG
3. You didn't know what RESIDENT EVIL 4 was, everyone knows what that is
4. You don't like any good music
5. You're obsessed with Llamas
6. You live in an imaginary world with a llama named Douglas
7. You don't know what ARG ment, arg, as is in a pirate saying AAAAAARRRR
8. You ask waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy to many questions
9. You make annoying posts
10. You are gonna say thats only 8 reasons to hate me, but I had to make to repost some reasons to get 10 because 10 things I hate about you is a movie.