(someone that isn't Mike) "wow joe, youre insane."
And you forgot the appostraphe.
"Shut up. I just have some problems to deal with. Like a combination of schizophernia, cancer, terets, and A.D.D."
Wow. You sure are plagued with problems.
"It's my therapists fault"
How could it be his therapists fault? Tune in next time to find out!
Joe's therapist: "Whoops. It turns out those pills I gave him are concentrated crazy. And concentrated stupid. Don't forget the concentrated....um......I don't know what it is, but it makes him want to take over the world."
Maybe it's called you don't have a real degree.
"Yes I do"
"ummmmmmmmm.......look! bannana!"
That's not gonna work
"You're right. It's just Joe's FACE!"
We're back with the show. Last time, Jean-Luc Pickle was telling about how all his problems were caused by his therapist. Let's watch.
"He's dead"
"I'm not quite dead yet...."
"He's fatally wounded."
"No, I'll probably pull through."
*discreet motion to guards and some offscreen screams*"He's dead"
"That was my father"
Oh my! How will this plot twist be resolved????!!!??? Tune in next time to the un-named show!"