We can all be idiots sometimes, here's how the cast is stupid:
Joe is the idea man, he has the ideas, but most of them never work out, thats how hes an idiot.
I'm the smart guy, I do all the amazing stuff, I cover the team when they move up and try to flank Llama boy. Now here's the bad part, I make some of the dumbest mistakes in the world, but thats okay, we always pull through.
Mike D is the cool guy, he always knows what to do, and he never makes mistakes, so he's really not a complete idiot, well i'm not really sure i've only met him once, but he didn't make any mistakes.
Mike C doesn't really do anything, he just stars in crazed fans and makes witty observations. Wow now that I wrote all of this, your right mike, its just me and joe who are the idiots. now i'm gonna erase this whole post, but then no one can see what i'm writting right now. why am i talking to myself? i'm just gonna post this now because i dont feel like doing this anymore.
You see Matt, me and my "witty" observations were right. Also, Jerry isn't a cast member but he's still an idiot. And the last thing is that Jerry, you don't compete with Joe about anything. He's in a completely different league of stupidity.