Why does it figure?
because.....I mean....yeah
There was a man from Peru..........
Why are you so incredibly idiotic?
I dont know........but Happy Thanksgiving!
"from all of Mike's personalities"
"except the un-extreme 'e'"
e "wait I am right hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
QUIET YOU!!!!!!!!!
Well Happy Thanksgiving.
Say it Captain Contradictory.
"Happy not Thanksgiving to everyone except Happy Thanksgiving to Batman. He's the only intelligent one."
Why are you so mean?
"Why aren't I so mean?"
"well its true, I am the only intelligent one here"
well............you got me there
I prefer to say that me and Batman are the only intelligent ones.
"Wrong. Batman and Captain Contradictory are the only intelligent ones"
Why are you talking in the third person?
"I'm not talking in the third person"
You just were before!
"Was I? Whoops. Momentarily lapse"
What momentary lapse?
"Lapse around the track"
But..........I'm not even gonna bother.
e "I am incredibly confused...but in an un-extreme way"
yeah I could see that
"see what?"
what, what?
ummmmmmmm.......computer science
How can you be coonfused in an unextreme way?
"Why do you have a gun made out of jello?"
"I think you're gonna get arrested for having a congealed weapon"
But...........................ugh...........I'm not gonna bother........roll the clip.