"he who dwells in the past often...........dwells not into the future"
wow that is a moving statement batman.
mister oreo wrote:"he who dwells in the past often THIS QUOTE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
"he who dwells in the past often THIS QUOTE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
AceDauntless wrote: H3 0W3S M3 M0N3YS!!!!!!!!!!!11111ONEOONEONEONEONEONEELVENSHIFTONE
I think thats how Joe normally speaks. Its the new hip lingo.
wait a secI think they are the same thing in todays society!
//question #5 static public void numbers() { int i = 1; int num = i;
while( i <= 25) { System.out.println(i); i++; if(num % i == 0) { System.out.println(i + " "); } }
OMG its computer science!