I just got finished watching Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers. I started the movie around five o'clock and it just finished at like quater to nine. I know it is a wonderful theatrical experience but I don't really know why the directers and writers decide to create such a long film. Does anybody have an answer?
before chott gives you a logical and resonable answer ill tell you this they wanted it to be so long so people would keep buying drinks zand food at the theatres so they make evenmore money and so smeagul could style his hair mid-way through the movie and smeagul is real he is not didgital...........REAL
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-- Editing Post -- i wanted to put that for no reason
yeah I guess you got it down mr. venask. Um... also a long movie and a long book... Stephen Kings It. It's like four hours... and quite frankley, that's all you need. I wonder if "Quite Frankley" will be any good?