ummmmm.....................right........I'll just be over here......................I'm definetly not dialing the number of the insane asylum.......................I'm definetly not telling them your name and address.............................Yes doctor............. He talks to himself..........Yup, split personalities...............................You will...........Well I don't know if I want the discount for commiting two psycos.....................Ok, you can take his cousin Marty too.................Send them over immediatly..............Goodbye.........Ummmm.......if someone comes to your door in the next five minutes, I have nothing to do with it.
-knocks on door- "Oh, hello." -gets thrown in van- "Hey! This sraightjacked doesn't even fit me! The sleeves are too long! Hey! Let me out of here! Oh, hey mike, so you're going too?"
Now you guys can hold a conversation in the comfort of an insane asylum. The downside is you only get canned baby food, you have to wear diapers, most of the time you'll be too sedated to know where you are, and you'll be under govermental supervision.