well first of all............it was on purpose, throughout the school year I have been anoyying Joe by trying to sing the lyrics to Karma, but instead I say something like "qould you trade a monkey for my watch" just to get him mad.
Oh yeah and can captain Contradictory, contardict this "if I am traveling at lightspeed and I hit the sun, my body will burn because I forgot to wearr my lucky boxers, in doing so this ruins the world, be Weird al now has the ability to communicate with animals, and he tells the gorrillas to beat us up, so now I am eating cookies when I realize a gorrilla is sitting right next to me!!!!!!!
well first of all............it was on purpose, throughout the school year I have been anoyying Joe by trying to sing the lyrics to Karma, but instead I say something like "qould you trade a monkey for my watch" just to get him mad.
Oh yeah and can captain Contradictory, contardict this "if I am traveling at lightspeed and I hit the sun, my body will burn because I forgot to wearr my lucky boxers, in doing so this ruins the world, be Weird al now has the ability to communicate with animals, and he tells the gorrillas to beat us up, so now I am eating cookies when I realize a gorrilla is sitting right next to me!!!!!!!
well first of all............it was on purpose, throughout the school year I have been anoyying Joe by trying to sing the lyrics to Karma, but instead I say something like "qould you trade a monkey for my watch" just to get him mad.
Oh yeah and can captain Contradictory, contardict this "if I am traveling at lightspeed and I hit the sun, my body will burn because I forgot to wearr my lucky boxers, in doing so this ruins the world, be Weird al now has the ability to communicate with animals, and he tells the gorrillas to beat us up, so now I am eating cookies when I realize a gorrilla is sitting right next to me!!!!!!!
"Ok, I will"
"'if I'm not traveling at lightspeed and I don't hit the sun, my body won't burn because I didn't forgot to wearr my not lucky not boxers, in doing so this doesn't ruin the world, be Weird al doesn't have the ability to communicate with animals, and he doesn't tells the gorrillas to not beat us up, so now I am definately not eating cookies when I don't realize a gorrilla isn't sitting right notnext to me!!!!!!!'"
as for joe, batman can only be taking seriously when I am typing, and Billy Joel and Spider-man and definately NOT gay(they aare both married to women) nor am I, and they have more heterosexuality than you could ever hope of possessing.
To captian contradicitory, try contradicting this 'not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not.....not"