In that case, I'd like to submit Joe, Matt, Oreo, Batman, the unextreme "e"-
"Don't forget Mr. Donut!"
Mr. Donut, Jerry, and Justin to the study of moronology.
That study ended up proving worthless. What happened first was that Justin went to eat Mr. Donut, but he missed and he acidentaly ate the convenitntly located bottel of arsinic right next to Mr. Donut. He was then sent to the hospital were he had his liver removed. Meanwhile, while I was being questinoned, I used a force mind trick on the questioner and set myself free. They tried to capture me again but no prison can ever hold the mighty llama boy. They then concluded from the study that Justin is extremely fat and stupid and that I am awsome.
However, after your clever get away you get killed. I'm not telling you how, but you die, totally and completely, force soul and all. Use your force on that one mother phylite.
In that case, I'd like to submit Joe, Matt, Oreo, Batman, the unextreme "e"-
"Don't forget Mr. Donut!"
Mr. Donut, Jerry, and Justin to the study of moronology.
That study ended up proving worthless. What happened first was that Justin went to eat Mr. Donut, but he missed and he acidentaly ate the convenitntly located bottel of arsinic right next to Mr. Donut. He was then sent to the hospital were he had his liver removed. Meanwhile, while I was being questinoned, I used a force mind trick on the questioner and set myself free. They tried to capture me again but no prison can ever hold the mighty llama boy. They then concluded from the study that Justin is extremely fat and stupid and that I am awsome. First of all, you don't have Force power. Second, you're an idiot.